About Me

Hello! I’m Cynthia. I’m a single mom of 2 adorable kids and I love to quilt and sew. My days are spent wearing many hats and being pulled in many different directions so sometimes I need a little “therapy” to keep me sane. Allow me to introduce my therapist:

She’s always there for me and I feel much better after our sessions. And she’s cheaper than a traditional therapist. Okay, maybe not cheaper. She does encourage me to buy a lot of fabric. But her hours are flexible. And she’s pretty effective.

I started this blog to encourage myself to take that time I need to sew and regroup, to push myself to grow my sewing skills, and to create some accountability to finish some of those half-finished (or not even started!) projects.

My Why? These guys:

Awww….don’t they look sweet? I’m thankful I snapped this photo so I can remember that (brief) moment of sweetness.

I’m blessed beyond measure that I get to be their mom.

They are the reason I get up in the morning (and not just because they won’t let me sleep in!).

They are the reason I want to be the best version of me so I can the best mom to them.

And, if I’m being honest, sometimes they are the reason I need therapy. 🙂

I hope you will join me in this journey. I hope it will be a place where you, too, can connect and regroup. I hope we can encourage each other to finish those projects and learn new skills. So grab your thimbles and let’s sew!