
Tackling my WIPs, One Block at a Time

One reason for creating this blog is to have a space to keep track of my projects and (hopefully) stay motivated to finish them. I don’t know about you but I have a stack of projects that are half-finished or not yet started. Of course, you can’t really call yourself a quilter unless you have a UFO or two lurking in your closet (Right?!? Please tell me it’s not just me).

A few years ago I bought this Itty Bitty Quilts book from Connecting Threads with the intention of making the entire set to brighten up my desk at work.

I even bought this stand to display my tiny creations. Of course, time slipped away and I never started. But this is the year! My goal is to finish one each month and have the whole set finished at the end of the year. Surely I can do that, right? I mean, they are itty bitty.

I am happy to report that so far I am off to a good start and have January’s quilt made in January. Woohoo!

Snowman mini quilt

This is a great project to use up your scraps. (It also made me realize I should have my fabric better organized but that is a post for another day!) The instructions were to embroider the arms and mouth and applique the teensy little carrot nose but I found these handy fabric markers and just drew them on. It was super easy and turned out so cute!

I’m looking forward to stitching up more of these tiny quilts. What about you? Any projects you are hoping to start (or finish)?